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Traditional love spells

In this article, we will explore the use of amethyst and affirmations in love magic, offering insights into their symbolism, energy, and the steps to harness their potential in manifesting love and positive connections. For more information, visit https://magical-rituals.com I recommend watching the video of casting the spell The Magic of Amethyst Amethyst is a…

How do aura spells work?

In the realm of holistic and spiritual practices, aura cleansing is a concept that often arises. It is rooted in the belief that every living being possesses an energetic field, commonly referred to as an “aura.” This aura is thought to be an invisible, vibrational energy surrounding a person, and it can be influenced by…

Spiritual money spell

This article explores the mystical synergy of selenite crystals and violet candles, revealing how their combined energy can be harnessed for potent money magic. For more information, visit https://magical-rituals.com I recommend watching the video of casting the spell Selenite: The Stone of Clarity and Abundance Selenite is a remarkable crystal known for its unique properties.…

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